Since 1967, the Windsor Jaycees, Windsor's Junior Chamber of Commerce leadership organization has been giving back, making a difference and lifting spirits to all residents in Windsor. Our Community Development program is the driving force behind the chapter. The chapter conducts many projects to help keep the Windsor area vital, including the organizing of the Windsor Shad Derby Parade & Festival on the Town Green, Sheila Schmidt Family Fishing Night, Christmas Tree Sales Fundraiser, Valentine's Day Out-Reach Project and much more. We are always open to member's and new ideas as well to benefit the residents of Windsor !!!
Each year the Windsor Jaycees donate thousands of dollars to local organizations, give college scholarships to local high school students and provide no-cost events for hundreds of local citizens, including the elderly, teens, the disabled and the disadvantaged.
Monthly Meetings
When: Second Tuesday of
every Month
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Contact info@windsorjaycees.com for more information